Screen scraping and Web Real Estate

Man cleaning a window with a squeegee
As mentioned previously, I’ve started a new blog elsewhere. Still in its infancy, so there are only a handful of posts up yet.

I noticed early on that I was getting quite a bit of traffic though, even though I hadn’t pushed articles to social media; a blog with only one or two posts isn’t that attractive, so I figured I’d settle in and get the furniture arranged, so to speak, before seeing what sort of audience gravitated there. But the numbers were odd.

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MySQL Blogging

I’ve taken up residence at for all my MySQL bloggy goodness. I’ll still blog about all of the wide and varied other things here, because it’s entirely possible that the world of MySQL users out there don’t really care about Perl or how to configure Portugese Model M keyboards in Linux.

In the meantime, expect to see a bunch of different questions and answers over there that have cropped up over the last while in my MySQL course writing, questions from students and instructors, and interesting issues that pop up when challenges and conundrums face someone who isn’t a MySQL expert but has to work with it (hey, that describes about 95% of MySQL’s userbase, right?).